Personalize Recruiting Settings Screen

Use this screen to personalize the items that display on screens and search results in the Recruiting module.


Field Description
Manage Requisitions Check the box for each item you want to include for each requisition listed on the Manage Requisitions screen.
Field Description
New Résumé Submissions Check the box for each item you want to include for each résumé submission listed in search results on the New Résumé Submissions screen.
Field Description
Candidate Listing Check the box for each item you want to include for each candidate listed on screens that list candidates, such as the Active Candidates screen.
Field Description
Résumé Dashboard Check the box for each item you want to display on the Résumé Dashboard.
Field Description
Résumé Search Results Check the box for each item you want to include for each résumé listed in résumé search results throughout Talent Management.
Field Description
Submit When finished, click Submit. Your selections take effect immediately.