Contents of the Create Test Template Screen

The Create Test Template screen displays the following fields.

General Information

Field Description
Test Name

Enter a name for the test template (for example, Final Exam with Essay and Multiple Choice Questions).

Total Time (in minutes)

Enter the total number of minutes a student will have to complete the test.

Minimum Score

Enter the minimum score that a student needs to pass the test.

Start Message

Enter a message that students will see when they launch the test, including how long students will have to complete the test and any other special instructions.

Final Message

Enter a message that students will see when they finish the test.

Test Instructions

Enter any additional instructions that students might need to complete the test. These instructions display on the first screen of the test.


Field Description
Question Type

Select the type of question:

  • True/False
  • Multiple Choice, Single Answer
  • Multiple Choice, Multiple Answer
  • Essay
  • Keyword
Number of Answers

Select the number of answers you will provide for students to select from. (This field is not displayed for True/False and Essay questions.) For example, enter 3 if the student can select from three answers: Quickly, Accurately, and Thoroughly.

Test Question

Enter the question that students will see.

Special instructions for this question

Enter any information that the student needs to understand the question.

Maximum Choices

Enter the number of answers a student can select for a multiple choice question (for example, three answers out of eight).


Enter the possible responses that students can select.

Correct Answer

Identify the correct responses to the question.

Answer Value

Enter the value of this question. For example, you could have four questions, each worth three points.