You can establish separate tuition assistance caps for your organization’s different job families.
For example, you may set a higher cap for your IT staff, who have ongoing technical training needs, than for your warehouse staff. Or you can set a single cap for all employees in the organization.
To establish tuition assistance caps:
in the toolbar to display the Administration menu.
In the Learning section, click Tuition Assistance.
Click Configure Tuition Assistance.
In the Tuition Assistance Caps section, complete one of the following steps:
To set a single cap for all employees in the organization, select Company from the Job Family drop-down list, and enter the company-wide cap in the Amount field.
To set separate caps for different job families, select each job family from the Job Family drop-down list, and enter a family-specific cap in the Amount field.
Click Add.
Information about the cap displays in the table below.
Click the
to activate the cap, which puts it into use.