Add Rating Tips

Add tips managers can use when rating employee performance.

To add a rating tip:

  1. On the Competencies screen, click in the Actions column for the desired competency.
  2. The next screen displays a table with tabs for each scale type created.
  3. To enter a rating tip or edit an existing one, click .
  4. Enter a descriptive phrase for demonstrating how the competency can be measured by the behaviors of the employee.

    For example, if your company uses a five-point scale similar to the Company Default scale, you might create rating tips that read like the following:

    • Seldom Meets Expectations: Does not participate in team work.

    • Meets Most Expectations: Does not willingly participate with teams to accomplish goals.

    • Meets All Expectations: Works to build consensus within the team toward common goals.

    • Exceeds Expectations: Solicits the input of others within the team and gives recognition to participants.

    • Greatly Exceeds Expectations: Demonstrates concern for treating people fairly and provides positive feedback.

  5. Click Submit.

    When you add a rating tip for a competency, a separate tip is created for each value (for example, “2 – Meets Most Expectations”) on the scale for each competency. If more than one scale is used, you can create a rating tip for each value on the scale.