Delete an Employee

To remove an employee from Deltek Resource Planning, go to the Employees & Users area in the Configuration workspace.

If an employee is associated with other data in Deltek Resource Planning, you may not be able to delete that employee:
  • If the employee has any planning assignments or labor charges, you cannot delete the employee. A message displays to notify you.
  • If the employee has no planning assignments or labor charges but is associated with any opportunities or related records, a message displays to notify you. You can still delete the employee, but you may instead want to change his or her status to Inactive or Terminated, rather than deleting, to preserve those associations. If you delete the employee, those historical associations are also removed.

When you delete an employee who is set up as a Deltek Resource Planning user, the employee's user name and related security information are deleted also.

To delete an employee, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Configuration workspace, click on the left edge of the Deltek Resource Planning page to go to the Employees & Users area.
  2. Locate the employee in the grid.

    If the list of employees is long, type one or more characters from the employee name, or from other employee data such as their email address, in the search field above FULL NAME. That filters the list so that it only includes employees who match your search.

  3. Hover over the employee's row in the grid and click at the end of the row.
  4. When a confirmation message displays, click Delete to complete the deletion.