Specify Working and Non-Working Days
To specify your firm's normal working days, non-working days, and holidays, go to the Calendar tab in the General area of the Configuration workspace.
To specify working and non-working days, complete the following steps:
- In the Configuration workspace, click on the left edge of the Deltek Resource Planning page to go to the General area.
- Click the Calendar tab.
- In START OF WEEK, click and select the first day in your work week.
- Under Non-Working Days, select the days of the week that your employees normally do not work.
- To add a holiday, click + Add Holiday below the Holidays grid to add a blank row.
- In DATE, click and select the date of the holiday.
- In TYPE, click and select Holiday, Leave, or Other to indicate the type of time off.
- In DESCRIPTION, enter the name or other description of the holiday.
If the holiday includes more than one day, click
at the end of the row to copy the holiday information into a new row, and change the date in that row.
You can also use the copy feature if you want to create rows for a holiday for several years at one time. You can then change the dates and sort the grid based on date if you want the holidays in chronological order.
- Repeat steps 5 - 9 to add other holidays.