Set Up Your Organization Structure
You have the option to associate employees, generic resource, projects, and opportunities with organizations. To do that, you first use the Organization Structure Setup dialog box to select the type of structure and other properties of the structure.
Deltek strongly recommends that you carefully plan the organization structure you want before you set it up in Deltek Resource Planning. Once you have set up your organizations and, in particular, once you have assigned employees, projects, opportunities, and generic resources to those organizations, it is difficult and time consuming to change the number of levels.
For more information about setting up and using organizations, see Organizations.
In the Configuration workspace, click
on the left edge of the Deltek Resource Planning page to go to the General area.
- On the Organizations tab, click + Set Up Organization Structure.
In the Organization Structure Setup dialog box, do one of the following in
- If all of the following are true for your organization structure, select
- Your organization structure has a standard number of levels.
- Within each level, each ID and name means the same thing across all branches of the organization structure.
- You have no more than 5 levels.
- You have no more than 14 characters in your organization IDs, including level delimiters.
- If one or more of the requirements listed above are false, select Variable.
If CRM is the only module your firm activated, a Fixed structure is the only type of structure available.
Result: Additional options display, based on your selection. - If all of the following are true for your organization structure, select
If you selected
Variable in
TYPE, enter the character that you use to separate the levels in your organization IDs (a period, for example).
If you selected Fixed in TYPE, select the number of levels in your organization structure.
If you selected
Variable in
TYPE, click
Save to complete the structure setup. You can skip the remaining steps in this procedure.
If you selected Fixed in TYPE, continue with step 6.
- If you have more than one level in your organization structure, enter the character that you use to separate the levels in your organization IDs (a period, for example) in DELIMETER.
- In NUMBER OF CHARACTERS IN ORGANIZATION ID for each level in your structure, enter the number of characters that the ID segment for that level contains. Result: As you make entries, Deltek Resource Planning updates the organization ID format displayed below the grid.
- Click Save to complete the structure setup.