Registrations Tab

This topic describes the fields and definitions on the Registrations tab of the Expenses workspace.

Tab Fields

Field/Option Description
Entry Date Enter a date for this expense.
Favorite In this field, you can select a favorite.
Note: Choosing a favorite may change other details specified for the expense sheet line, such as the job or task.
Job No. Use this or the Job Name field to specify the job for which you are incurring the expense.

Filling out one field will auto-populate the other.

Job Name Use this or the Job No. field to specify the job for which you are incurring the expense.

Filling out one field will auto-populate the other.

Task Enter the task assigned to the specified expense.
Description Enter a description for the task specified on the current line.
Quantity Specify the number of units of the current activity for which an expense is incurred.
Unit Price Enter the price per unit.
Currency Enter the currency in which the expense was incurred.
Amount This field shows the total expense amount for the current activity in the currency chosen in the Currency field. The amount is calculated as the value in the Quantity field multiplied by the value in the Unit Price field.
Just. Req. This field is checked if the user is required to enter a justification for that expense line.

Whether this field is checked depends on setup performed outside of iAccess.

Receipt Use this field to attach a receipt to the current expense sheet line.

You can attach a document from your local storage, or select one from those already uploaded to the Receipts tab of this workspace.

Justification Part Fields

Note: Whether these fields are enabled depends on setup performed outside of iAccess.
Field/Option Description
Heading The values available in the drop-down list depend on the task specified on the expense sheet line.

Select the appropriate value for the expense. For example, if you specified "Hotel" in the Task field on the expense sheet line, select the value "Hotel Name" here.

If the Just. Req. field is checked, this field is required.

Value The values available in the drop-down list depend on the task specified on the expense sheet line.

Select the appropriate value for the expense. For example, if you specified "Hotel" in the Task field on the expense sheet line, select the name of the hotel here.

If the Just. Req. field is checked, this field is required.

Date Enter the date the specific expense was incurred.

If the Just. Req. field is checked, this field is required.