Security PIN

Touch security PIN must be set up using the following requirements:
  • Minimum Pin Length - Your System Administrator sets the minimum allowed numbers (ranging from 4 through 12) in the configuration file. By default, it is set to 6.
  • PIN Complexity - When this feature is turned on, Deltek Touch does not allow you to use a repeating PIN (for example, 111111) or sequential PIN (for example, 123456).
  • Unique PIN History - This feature prevents you from using the same PIN over and over. It allows technical consultants to set the maximum number of PIN reuse (maximum is 6, which means that your current PIN cannot be the same as your last six PINs).
  • PIN Expiration - This feature determines the validity of your current PIN before Deltek Touch requires you to change it. It accepts 0 (meaning no expiration) to 90 days. By default, it is set to 90. If you change your password, uninstall Deltek Touch, tap Forget Me on this Device, or change user, the expiration resets.