Approve or Reject an Expense Sheet Line

As a project manager, you can approve or reject expense sheet lines as needed.

An expense sheet can be either a normal expense or a mileage expense. The Expense Sheet Line and Mileage Sheet Line views are exactly the same, except for the layout and certain fields. If it is a mileage expense, the MILEAGE label as well as a quantity followed by "km."

To approve or reject an expense sheet line:

  1. Tap , and tap Approvals.
  2. On Items for Approval, tap Expense Sheet Lines.
  3. On Expense Line Approval, tap the project containing expense sheet lines you need to approve.
  4. On Expense Sheet Lines, take any of the following actions:
    • Tap the check mark beside the expense sheet line to approve or reject individual lines.
    • Tap Select All to approve or reject all expense sheet lines.
    • If you still want to review each expense sheet line in detail, tap the line.
  5. Tap , and tap Approve, Undo Approve/Reject, Reject, or Message to Employee (only displays when you tap the expense sheet line).
    Note: Tap Receipt to view any available attachment.