Add Users in Deltek Support Center

To ensure that all users in your company have access to this online guide, you must add users to the Deltek Support Center site. User access to the Support Center is unlimited for each company. However, each company's Support Contact Manager (SCM) must set up user accounts in the Support Center for each user prior to use. For more details, refer to the Deltek Maconomy Essentials Upgrade and Getting Started Guide.

To add users to the Support Center:

  1. Log in to the Deltek Support Center site.
  2. Go to Administrator » Manage Company Contacts.
  3. Click Add Contact.
  4. Complete the following fields on the Add New Support Contact page:
    • Email Address — Enter the user's email address, using only lowercase letters.

      Note: The email address default as the Username. Additionally, the email address must be unique and not used for any other contact record on the Connect site.

    • Username — Enter a username or accept the email address as the default username.
    • First Name — Enter the user's first name.
    • Last Name — Enter the user's last name.
    • Office Phone — Enter the user's office phone number. Use a minimum of 10 characters, with space characters allowed, such as 555 999 9999.
    • Alternative Phone — (optional) Enter an alternative phone number for the user, such as a cell number. Use a minimum of 10 characters, with space characters allowed, such as 555 999 9999.
    • Job Title — Enter the user's job title.
  5. Set the appropriate permissions for the user. To allow access for documentation only, for Online Support Contact choose Yes, and for all other fields, choose No. Note: To set permissions beyond documentation, see KB article # 36134 for details.
  6. Click Add New Contact.