Field | Description |
Date Printed
This field shows the date on which the request for quote was printed after being approved. This means that the field is automatically completed when the action “Print Request for Quote” is selected or when the request for quote has been approved and is printed using the functions “Print This” or “Print…” in the File menu. If the request is printed through the File menu before it is approved, the field is not completed.
If this field is marked, the current request for quote has been approved. You approve a request for quote by selecting the action “Approve Request for Quote.”
However, this approval will automatically be cancelled by Maconomy if certain fields on the request are changed. If the approval is cancelled, the request must be reapproved. Nevertheless, it is possible to change the fields related to quotes, for example, price fields without cancelling the approval.
Approved by
This field displays the name of the employee who approved the current request for quote.
This field displays the date on which the current request for quote was approved.
Quote Received
If this field is marked, a quote has been registered as received. You register receipt of a quote by selecting the action “Receive Quote.”
Received by
This field displays the name of the employee who registered receipt of the quote.
This field displays the date on which the quote was registered as received.
If this field is marked, the current request for quote has been accepted and converted to a purchase order. You approve a request for quote and convert it by selecting the action “Create Purchase Order.” Please note that this causes all other requests assigned to the same requisition to be rejected. For further information on this, see the description of the action “Create Purchase Order.”
When a request for quote has been converted, it is no longer possible to change any information on it.
Accepted by
This field displays the name of the employee who accepted the current request for quote.
This field displays the date on which the current request for quote was converted to a purchase order.
If this field is marked, the current request for quote has been rejected. You reject a request for quote by selecting the action “Reject Request for Quote,” but a request for quote can also be rejected as a result of accepting another request for quote assigned to the same requisition. For further information on this, see the description of the action “Create Purchase Order.” When a request for quote has been rejected, it is not possible to convert it to a purchase order. However, the rejection can be cancelled by using the action “Cancel Rejection of Quote.”
Rejected by
This field displays the name of the employee who rejected the current request for quote.
This field displays the date on which the current request for quote was rejected.
This field shows whether the request for quote is closed. If this field is marked, the request is closed. To mark the field, select the action “Close Request for Quote” in the Action menu. When the request has been closed, all fields on the request are closed, and it is not possible to change any of the information in the window. However, the request can be reopened by means of the action “Reopen Request for Quote.” You can only use this action if you have been given access to it in the window Actions in the Set-Up module.
Closed by
If the current request for quote has been closed, this field displays the name of the user who closed the request.
If the current request for quote has been closed, this field displays the date on which it was closed.