Job Overview Workspace
Use this workspace to get a general overview of a job, including budgeted cost and billing price, hours entered, total amount of committed purchase orders, total amount invoiced, pre-invoice totals, customer balance due, and revenue recognized.
This workspace displays:
- Budgeted cost and billing price in current budget, planning, and baseline budgets
- Non-approved billing price from submitted time, expense, and mileage sheets
- Registered and open hours, cost and billing price split by time and amount
- Amount committed on purchase orders
- Next invoice date according to the invoicing plan
- Total amount invoiced on account and amount net on account
- Total amount invoiced and total write up/down
- Billing price set for carry forward
- Customer balance due for the job
- Latest job progress evaluation
- Revenue recognized on the job
- Latest approved revenue recognition by completion percentage or WIP evaluation
The workspace introduces the Factor budgeted, entered, and invoiced on the job. This is calculated as the ratio (B time + (B amount - C amount)) / C time, where B and C are the total billing price and total cost price in the current job budget, entered on the job, and invoiced on the job respectively, and the sub-scripts refer to the activity type (so B time is the total billing price for time related activities). In addition, there is a factor for revenue recognized with the same formula, where B is revenue recognized on the job and C is total entered cost price in case of capitalization at billing price, and otherwise, the total invoiced cost price.