In this field, you select the layout of the printout. You have the following options: “By Job,” “By Customer,” “By Employee,” and “By Activity.”
Selecting “By Job” provides a list of jobs sorted by job group. For each job, the report shows the invoiced amounts, costs of amount activities, gross margin, and gross margin rate. It also shows costs of time activities, total gross margin, gross margin rate, and the amounts written up or down. The report shows totals by job group and a grand total. Primary job figures are the total of underlying job figures.
If you select “By Customer,” you get a list of company-specific customers sorted by customer group. For every customer, the report shows invoiced amount, costs of invoiced services, gross margin, and gross margin percent. It shows costs of invoiced time activities, total gross margin, and gross margin percent by customer. Last, the report shows up- and down-written amounts, totals by customer group, and one grand total. Note that the company numbers specified in the fields “Company No.” will refer to the settling companies of the company-specific customers included on the list.
If you select “By Employee,” the list is of employees. For every employee, the report shows invoiced and uninvoiced hours used, as well as a total invoiced sum. Note that the number of hours only originates from job invoice lines for time activities. Employee cost is shown, with the resulting gross margin and gross margin percent. Last, the report shows up- and down-written amounts and a grand total for all employees included in the report.
If you select “By Activity,” the list is of activities. For every activity, the report shows the number of invoiced and uninvoiced hours, total invoiced amount, total cost, gross margin, and gross margin percent. Last in the report are up- and down-written amounts.