Start Date
In this field, you can enter the starting date of a new issue of the charge table.
The periods specified by the dates in this field could, for example, look as follows:
Issue 1 [ 31/6-98] Issue 2 [1/7-98 10/9-98] Issue 3 [11/9-98 -]
As shown in the example, the last issue runs indefinitely. When a new issue of the charge table is added, the starting date is entered in this field, and the new Issue 4 will start on the specified date, thus automatically closing the period of Issue 3.
For example:
If the starting date of the new issue, Issue 4, is specified as 25/9-98, the period of Issue 3 is reduced to [11/9-98 24/9-98], while the period of Issue 4 will be [25/9-98].
You can also enter a starting date which precedes the starting date of an earlier issue. For example, the starting date of Issue 4 could be 7/7-98, that is, within the period of Issue 2. In this example, the ending period of Issue 2 will automatically be changed to 6/7/98, while the ending date of Issue 4 will automatically be set at 10/9/98. This functionality is used when one of the carriers in a charge table changes his prices in a given period.
The example above would result in the following order of issues: Issue 1, Issue 2, Issue 4, Issue 3, and so on. Note, however, that the delivery date on the packing slip is the factor which determines which issue is used. The issue number itself is irrelevant.
The issue is created by using the action “New Issue.”