Field | Description |
This field shows how many hours have been registered to the job. This value is thus the sum of the numbers in the “Quantity” field for all time activities in the table part of the window.
This field shows the cost value registered in the base currency of the job. The “Time,” “Amount,” and “Total” fields show the three cost sums from the “Cost, Entered” field on the lines in the table part. The three figures are the cost sums of time activities, amount activities, and a total for all lines.
Billing Price Total Reg.
This field shows the billing price of the job in the job’s currency. The “Time,” “Amount,” and “Total” fields show the three sums of the “Billing Price Open” and “Billing Price Invoiced” fields. The three sums are the invoiced billing price plus the open billing price for time activities, amount activities, and a total for all lines. The values cannot be changed here.
Revenue Recognized
This field shows the amounts revenue recognized on the job’s entries. The amounts are displayed in the base currency of the job.
Billing Price Open
This field shows the open billing price in the job currency. The open billing price is the part which has not already been invoiced to the customer. The “Time,” “Amount,” and “Total” fields show the three sums of open billing prices from the lines in the table part on which the “Closed” field is not marked. If a job entry is partly invoiced, Maconomy only includes the uninvoiced part of the billing price in this field.
The three sums are for time activities, amount activities, and a total for all lines. The values cannot be changed here.
Billing Price Invoiced
This field shows the invoiced billing price — that is, the job entries that have been invoiced to the customer in the job’s currency. The “Time,” “Amount,” and “Total” fields show the three sums of invoiced billing prices from the “Billing Price, Inv.” field from the lines in the table part on which the “Closed” field is not marked. The sums also include the invoiced amount of partly invoiced job entries. A partly invoiced job entry is not closed, but it has an invoice number in the “Invoice No.” field.
The three sums are the sum of invoiced billing prices for time activities, amount activities, and a total for all lines. The value cannot be changed here.
Billing Price transferred to
This field shows the sum of billing prices that have been transferred to new dimensions on the job entries displayed in the table part of the window. If a job has been transferred to new dimensions, the table part shows to which new dimensions the job entries have been transferred, and the field “Origin” informs you about the origin of the lines; that is, if the lines have been transferred to new dimensions, the text “Job Transfer” is displayed in the field “Origin.” A job can be transferred to new dimensions in the window Job Transfer. The fields “Time,” “Amount,” and “Total” show the three sums of transferred billing prices, as well as any sums for outlays.
Billing Price transferred from
This field shows the sum of billing prices that has been transferred from the “old” dimensions on the job entries displayed in the table part of the window to new dimensions on the job in question. A job can be transferred to new dimensions in the window Job Transfer. Note that figures are only displayed in this column if you have not marked the field “Show Only Open” in the island Show Entries, as all entries with “old” dimensions are automatically closed when transferred to new dimensions by means of a job transfer. The fields “Time,” “Amount,” and “Total” show the three sums of transferred billing prices, as well as any sums for outlays
Billing Price Total
This field shows the billing price of the job in the job’s currency. The “Time,” “Amount,” and “Total” fields show the three sums of the “Billing Price Open” and “Billing Price Invoiced” fields. The three sums are the invoiced billing price plus the open billing price for time activities, amount activities, and a total for all lines. The values cannot be changed here.
This field shows the sum of the hours, costs, and billing prices for the time activities in the table part of the window. The values in these five fields cannot be changed here.
The value in the “Billing Price Open” field is the sum of uninvoiced billing prices for job entries to time activities.
The value in the field “Billing Price Invoiced” is the sum of invoiced billing prices in the “Billing Price, Inv.” field for job entries to time activities.
The values in the fields “Billing Price Transferred To/From” are the sums of billing prices transferred to and from dimensions on the job as a result of a job transfer, if any, carried out in the window Job Transfer.
The value in the “Billing Price Total” field is the sum of the amounts in the two fields above.
This field shows the sum of the costs and billing prices for the amount activities in the table part of the window. The calculations are similar to those described for the above field “Time.”
There is no value in the “Hours” field, as it is not relevant to register quantities for amount activities.
This field shows the sum of the costs and billing prices in the table part of the window.
Hereof Outlays
These fields show the registered costs for all amount activities for which the cost type has been set to “Outlays.” This means that the fields only show the cost part of the relevant outlays, whereas the below field “Excluding Outlays” also includes the gross margin from the outlay. For more information about outlay activities, please see the description of the window Activities.
Excluding Outlays
These fields show the sum of the registered prices for all activities in the table part of this window, less the cost price for any amount activities for which the cost type has been set to “Outlays.”
Total Per
This field shows the unit specified in the island Unit Analysis in the window Job Budgets, as well as the values in the row of “Total” fields, divided by the quantity in the island Unit Analysis. If the job for example is for two advertisements, three houses or ten meters cable, you can use this row to view cost and billing prices per unit.