This is the total price of the quote or order confirmation. The amount is converted into the job’s currency. It is printed as the line total on the quote or order confirmation.
If you edit the quote or order confirmation manually by changing the price or prices on the lines, the amount will be equal to the sum of the lines’ billing prices in the “Billing Price, Total” field in the table part of this window.
If the quote or order confirmation has been created in this window by transferring a job budget to quote using the action “Transfer to Quote” in the window Job Budgets, and if the current job’s invoice layout rule specifies that amounts for this job are not to be shown only as a total, the amount here will, before it is edited, be the sum of the job budget lines. If the current job’s invoice layout rule specifies that amounts must be shown on lines, the amount here will be equal to the sum of the amounts in the field “Billing Price, Total” in the table part of this window.
If the current job’s invoice layout rule specifies that amounts for the job are only to be shown as a total, or if the quote has not been created using the action “Transfer to Quote” in the window Job Budgets, the amount here will, before it is edited, be the sum from the field “Effective Quote Price” field in either the Jobs or Job Budgets window.
When you create invoice selections in the Invoice Selection window, you can retrieve the quote price from this field to the invoice selection and use it as the total amount to be invoiced.
If the fixed price of a job is set up to be determined by the quote price specified for the job, you can specify the desired quote price in this field or in the field “Current Quote Price” in the window Job Budgets.