Field | Description |
Partial Delivery
You can mark this field to permit partial delivery when the quote is converted to a sales order. Maconomy suggests the value from the System Information window in the Set-Up module, but you can change it.
If the field is not marked, you can only print a warehouse transaction, picking list, packing list, packing slip or invoice in the Sales Orders window if all the items sold are being packed. In the Packing Lists window you cannot approve a packing list until the warehouse has confirmed that all the items have been packed.
Furthermore, the field determines whether individual consignments can be specified for each line. For further information on this, see the field “Consignment No.” in the card and table parts.
Back Order Handling
Here you select how to process back orders. There are three possible ways: Save, Delete, and Transfer. A more detailed description is given in the window Sales Orders. Maconomy automatically suggests the value that is entered in the customer’s information card, but it can be changed in the quote.
Blanket Order
In this field, you can specify whether conversion of the quote should result in a blanket order, that is, a sales order where the field “Blanket Order” is marked. If this field is marked on the order to which the quote is converted, back orders registered to the delivery customer are transferred to the order when you print a picking list or packing list.
The field also determines whether Maconomy is allowed to move order lines to and from the order to which the quote is converted. For detailed information on blanket orders, please see the description of the corresponding field in the window Sales Orders.
The field has no significance until the quote is converted to a sales order.
Split Lines Automatically
If this field is marked, converting the current quote will cause Maconomy to attempt to split the resulting order lines with the purpose of obtaining the earliest possible delivery date for as many units of the items as possible, as described in the section on the action “Convert to Order.”
Pref. Deliv. Date
Here you can enter the customer’s preferred delivery date, if the quote results in a sales order. Maconomy suggests the date on which the quote was created. However, if you enter a blank preferred delivery date, today’s date is considered the preferred delivery date.
If you enter a historical date here, you run the risk that Maconomy uses an obsolete discount agreement to calculate prices.
In this field, you can specify whether this sales order is urgent. An order can, for example, be urgent if the items must be delivered within a shorter time frame than allowed by the items’ usual delivery time. If you mark this field and specify a delivery date in the field “Deliv. Date,” Maconomy will not automatically change the delivery date according to the availability of the items in the warehouse. When you mark this field, Maconomy forces a reservation of the items on the delivery date specified in the field “Deliv. Date,” even if this will cause the reservation of more units than available, and even if the back order principle “By reservation” is used. This field should therefore be used with caution.
It is not possible to mark blanket orders and orders with partial delivery as urgent.
Deliv. Date
This field shows the expected delivery date if the quote is accepted. The field shows the latest delivery date for the quote and BOM lines.
If the quote header is assigned to a consignment, the delivery date registered on the quote and the assigned lines will be changed to the packing date of the consignment. After this, it is not possible to add lines that cannot be delivered on the packing date of the consignment.
If the field “Urgent” is marked, you can manually enter a value in this field. Marking the quote as urgent will prevent Maconomy from changing the delivery date according to the availability of the items in the warehouse. Please note, however, that it is only possible to enter a delivery date for an urgent quote if the field “Partial Delivery” is not marked. If the field “Partial Delivery” is marked, the delivery date of an urgent quote can only be changed on the individual items in the table part of the window. For urgent quotes, the date in this field is automatically transferred to the sales order when the quote is converted to a sales order.
In this field, you can select which warehouse the items are to be delivered from, if the quote is accepted. Maconomy suggests the sales warehouse from which the items are normally delivered to the current customer, but you can select another. The pop-up field only shows existing warehouses, that is, warehouses created in the window Warehouse Information Card in the Inventory module.
You can only deliver items from one warehouse on a given quote, unless you have marked the field “Get Inventory From Item” in the window System Information in the Set-Up module. If that field is marked, a warehouse can be specified on each line in the table part. If multiple warehouses have been specified for a quote, a sales order will at the approval of the order to which the quote has been converted be created for each warehouse on the order in addition to the warehouse specified in this field.
If an invoice is created later in the process, and you have selected a warehouse assigned to another company than the one specified in the island Company on the current quote, Maconomy will automatically create intercompany balances when the item journal is posted. In the intercompany balance, the company to which the warehouse is assigned will be the intercompany company. However, if the system parameter “Create intercompany entries for companies with same parent company” is not marked, intercompany entries are only created if the two companies involved are not both assigned to the same parent company.
Stock Location No.
In this field, you can specify the location in the selected warehouse from which you expect the items to be shipped. This location will apply to those lines in the table part where the stock location field is left blank. If a stock location is specified on a given line, it overrules any location specified in this field. Maconomy suggests the standard shipping location specified for the current warehouse in the window Warehouse Information card, but you can specify another location. When you create a line in the table part, the location in this field is suggested on the new line.
It is not mandatory to enter location numbers in this window. However, the location information is also transferred when the quote is converted to an order, and it is not possible to create a warehouse transaction for an order until you have either entered a location in the card part or on the individual item lines.
Here you select the carrier to deliver the items on the current quote, if the quote is accepted. Maconomy suggests the carrier from the customer’s information card, but you can change it. If a destination has been specified on the quote, and the quote is not yet assigned to a consignment, the field can be changed to blank. In this case, Maconomy will disregard the carrier when assigning the quote to a consignment. See “Appendix B: Assign Quote/Order to Consignment” for further information about assigning quotes to a consignment. Carriers are maintained in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module.
Delivery Mode
Here you select which delivery mode to apply, if the quote is accepted. Maconomy suggests the delivery mode from the customer’s information card, but you can change it. If a destination has been specified on the quote, and the quote is not yet assigned to a consignment, the field can be changed to blank. In this case, Maconomy will disregard the delivery mode when assigning the quote to a consignment. See “Appendix B: Assign Quote/Order to Consignment” for further information about assigning quotes to a consignment. Delivery modes are maintained in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module.
Delivery Terms
Here you select which delivery terms to apply, if the quote is accepted. Maconomy suggests the delivery terms from the customer’s information card, but you can change it. If a destination has been specified on the quote, and the quote is not yet assigned to a consignment, the field can be changed to blank. In this case, Maconomy will disregard the delivery terms when assigning the quote to a consignment. See “Appendix B: Assign Quote/Order to Consignment” for further information about assigning quotes to a consignment. Delivery terms are maintained in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module.
Consignment Type
In this field, you can select the consignment type which is to apply to the current quote. Maconomy will automatically retrieve the consignment type on the customer information card for the current customer, but the consignment type can be changed here. If a destination has been specified on the quote, and the quote is not yet assigned to a consignment, the field can be changed to blank. In this case, Maconomy will disregard the consignment type when assigning the quote to a consignment. See “Appendix B: Assign Quote/Order to Consignment” for further information about assigning quotes to a consignment. Consignment types are maintained in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module.
Destination No.
In this field, you can specify the number of the destination to which the current quote is to be delivered if it is accepted. Maconomy will automatically retrieve the destination number on the customer information card for the current customer, but the destination number can be changed here. The destination number is used when Maconomy assigns the quote to a consignment. Maconomy will only consider consignments for the destination specified in this field. See “Appendix B: Assign Quote/Order to Consignment” for further information about assigning quotes to a consignment.
Consignment No.
In this field, you can specify a consignment number if you want to assign the current quote to a consignment manually. Assigning a quote to a consignment means that the quote will be part of a joint delivery of different sales orders to the same destination on the same date and with the same combination of carrier, delivery mode, delivery terms, and consignment type.
If the quote has partial delivery, it is possible to assign each line to a separate consignment, but if you specify a consignment — In this field, all lines in the table part are automatically also assigned to this consignment whether the quote has partial delivery or not.
It is also possible to have Maconomy automatically assign the quote to a consignment by selecting the action “Assign Quote to Consignment.” If you let Maconomy select a consignment, Maconomy will attempt to find a consignment which matches the quote’s terms with regard to destination, delivery date, carrier, delivery mode, delivery terms, and consignment type. Please note, however, that if the quote has partial delivery, the action will be carried out on the individual quote lines instead of the card part.
When you complete the field, any values in the fields “Carrier,” “Delivery Mode,” “Delivery Terms,” “Consignment Type,” and “Destination No.” are overwritten with the information pertaining to the selected consignment. Furthermore, all delivery dates on the quote are changed to the packing date of the consignment. See “Appendix B: Assign Quote/Order to Consignment” for further information about assigning quotes to a consignment.
If the field is completed and you select the action “Convert Quote to Order,” Maconomy checks if all items on the lines of the quote can be delivered on the packing date of the consignment in question. If they cannot all be delivered on the packing date, the quote cannot be converted.
Latest Arrival
In this field, you can specify a date for the latest arrival permitted for the items to the current customer. If you specify a date In this field, Maconomy will issue a warning if the quote is assigned to a consignment with an arrival date after the date in this field.
Packing Date
If the quote is assigned to a consignment, this field displays the date on which packing for the consignment in question should commence. The value is retrieved from the corresponding field in the window Consignments for the consignment in question. If the quote is assigned to a consignment, the delivery date registered on the quote is changed to the date displayed In this field, and the contents of this field can no longer be changed.
Consignment Date
If the quote is assigned to a consignment, this field displays the expected date of departure for the consignment in question. The value is retrieved from the corresponding field in the window Consignments for the consignment in question.
Arrival Date
If the quote is assigned to a consignment, this field displays the expected date of arrival to the destination for the consignment in question. The value is retrieved from the corresponding field in the window Consignments for the consignment in question.
Charge Table
In this field, you can select a charge table to be used for charge calculation. The field is transferred from the customer information card when the quote is created.
Charge Discount %
In this field, you can enter a charge discount percentage. A discount percentage entered in this field will be applied in addition to the one which can be specified in the charge table. The field is transferred from the customer information card when the quote is created.