Consignment No.
This field shows the consignment to which the current order line is assigned. The field is only relevant for orders with partial delivery, as the value otherwise has no influence on the order handling. Therefore, the following description is based on the assumption that the order has partial delivery.
If an order line is assigned to a consignment, it means that the line will be part of a joint delivery of different order lines to the same destination on the same date and with the same combination of carrier, delivery mode, delivery terms, and consignment type.
It is possible to assign each line on a sales order to a separate consignment. However, if a consignment has been specified for the order in the card part of the window Sales Orders, all lines belonging to the order are automatically also assigned to this consignment whether the order has partial delivery or not.
It is also possible to have Maconomy automatically assign the current order line to a consignment by selecting the action “Assign to Consignment,” provided that the line is not a back order line. When you select this action, Maconomy will attempt to find a consignment which matches the order’s terms with regard to destination, carrier, delivery mode, delivery terms, and consignment type.
When the field is completed, the delivery date is changed to the packing date of the consignment. See “Appendix B: Assign Quote/Order to Consignment” for further information about assigning order lines to a consignment.