This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Intrastat Item Lines sub-tab.
Field | Description |
This is the number of the report line definition. All line numbers are assigned by Maconomy and are numbered consecutively. When lines are inserted or deleted, any affected lines and references are renumbered to keep them in consecutive order.
Item No.
In this field, you enter the number of the item. If you have chosen “By Item” in the “Intrastat Specification” field in the System Information window, you can only enter the item number shown in the card part of the window. If you have chosen “By CN Code”, you can only enter the number of an item which has the same CN code as the item in the card part. If you cannot remember the number, you can use the search functions in the Find menu.
In this field, you can enter the quantity, divisible by the items sales unit.
Net Weight
In this field, you can enter the net weight for the item line.
This is the item’s name. It is retrieved from the “Description, Lang. 1” field in the item information card. It cannot be changed manually.
Value, Base
In this field, you can enter the total value of the item line in the company’s base currency. For automatically created lines, the import value found from the cost price in the item purchase order. The export value is found from the sales price in the invoice/credit memo.
Value, EU Reports
In this field, you can enter the total value of the item line in the company’s EU reporting currency. For automatically created lines, the import value found from the cost price in the item purchase order. The export value is found from the sales price in the invoice/credit memo.
Invoice No.
In this field, you can enter the number of an invoice or credit memo, if the declaration is for export. Maconomy checks that the invoice or credit memo exists. For automatic entries, Maconomy enters the number of the invoice or credit memo the item line is for.
Item Purchase Order No.
In this field, you can enter the number of an item purchase order, if the declaration is for import. Maconomy checks that the order exists. For automatically created entries, Maconomy enters the number of the item purchase order the item receipt is for.
Customer/Vendor Name
If you have entered the number of an invoice, credit memo or item purchase order, Maconomy enters the name of the customer or vendor here. It cannot be changed manually.
In this field, you can enter a comment about the line.