Field | Description |
Stock Option Agreement Type
In this field, you must specify an identification number when creating a stock option agreement type. Both letters and numbers can be used in the identification number. Once the agreement type has been created, the number can no longer be changed.
In this field, you can specify the name of the current stock option agreement type.
Here you can enter a description of the stock option agreement type.
Share No.
In this field, specify the stock which the current stock option agreement type concerns.
This field shows the currency in which the stock specified in the field “Stock No.” above is traded. The value is retrieved from the window Stock Information Card and cannot be changed here.
Share Denomination
In this field, you can specify the default share denomination value per share to be used in stock option agreements of the current type. Maconomy suggests the value from the corresponding field on the information card of the stock to which the agreement type pertains, but you can change it here.
Purchase Price of Shares
In this field, you can specify the default share price to be used in stock option agreements of the current type, that is, the price at which stock option agreement holders should be allowed to purchase shares when exercising stock options in agreements of the current type. The information is transferred to new stock option agreements made with employees and other company related persons, but can be changed on the individual agreements.
Number of Shares Per Agreement
In this field, you can specify the default number of share options to be granted on each stock option agreement of the current type. The information is transferred to new stock option agreements made with employees and other company related persons, but can be changed on the individual agreements.
Number of Shares, Total
In this field, you can specify the maximum total number of shares to be granted on stock option agreements of the current type. If you wish to allocate a total of, for example, 50,000 share options to the employees in your company, for instance granting each employee between 500 and 1,000 shares, you can specify 50,000 in this field, and Maconomy will ensure that the sum of shares granted on stock option agreements of the current type does not exceed this number. On stock option agreements, the number of options granted is specified in the field “No. of Shares.”
Number of Stocks, Granted
This field shows the total number of stocks granted on stock option agreements of the current type. The number represents the sum of the field “Number of Shares” on all stock option agreements of the current type.
Number of Stocks Remaining
This field shows the total number of stocks available for allocation on stock option agreements of the current type. The number represents the difference between the field “Total No. of Shares” and the field “Number of Shares Granted.”
Issue Date
In this field, you can specify the day on which the options on the current agreement type were/are to be issued.
Agreement Date
In this field, you can specify the default agreement date to be used in stock option agreements of the current type. The agreement date of a stock option agreement represents the date on which the agreement is legally binding.
Earliest Exercising Date Allowed
In this field, you can specify the earliest exercising date to be suggested on stock option agreements of the current type. The first and last exercising dates comprise a range of dates within which the options granted on a given stock option agreement must be exercised. The date is transferred to new stock option agreements made with employees and other company related persons in the window Stock Option Agreements, but can be changed on the individual agreements. For further information on the effects of the first and last exercising dates, please see the description of the field “First Exercising Date” in the window Stock Option Agreements.
Last Exercising Date Allowed
In this field, you can specify the last exercising date to be suggested on stock option agreements of the current type. For further information on the functionality of the field, see the description of the field “First Exercising Date” above.
Valid From
In this field, you can specify the first validity date of the stock option agreement type. The first and last validity dates comprise a range of dates within which it is possible to create and edit stock option agreements of the current type in the window Stock Option Agreements. This means that outside this period it is not possible to create stock option agreements of the current type or edit information in the card part of stock option agreements of the current type. However, options can be granted and exercised on stock option agreements of the current type outside the validity period, as long as they are granted and exercised within the exercising date range of the agreements in question.
Valid To
In this field, you can specify the last validity date of the stock option agreement type. For further information on the functionality of the field, see the description of the field “Valid from” above.
In this field, you can specify whether the current stock option agreement type is blocked. When a stock option agreement type is blocked, it is not possible to create stock option agreements of the type in question. However, existing agreements can still be edited.