Variance Analysis Turnaround Document Description

The Variance Analysis Turnaround Document contains BCWS, BCWP, ACWP, cost and schedule variances by WBS for the selected period. You can distribute this document to management to request justification for variances.

Conditioning Window

Access the Variance Analysis Turnaround Document Report Conditioning Window by selecting Variance Analysis Turnaround Document on the Reports tab.

Data Selection Options

You can limit this report to include only:

Data Calculation Options

You can choose to calculate LRE values using your choice of these formulas:

1 The Gate Month is used to report Actual values through the Gate Month and ETC values are reported after the Gate Month.

2 Since this calculation involves division, a simple rollup of LRE values is not appropriate. The value for each WBS LRE is obtained by calculating the LRE at the EOC level then summing the individual LRE's to get the WBS total. Parent WBS's are calculated in

Data Formatting Options

You choose which Cost Element to depict in this report: Prime Dollars, Total Burdened, Total Cost, or Total Dollars.

Program Variance Thresholds

Variance thresholds are used to determine if a WBS element’s schedule, cost, or at complete variance are out of tolerance. You can enter both a fixed dollar amount and/or a percentage for monthly, cumulative, and at complete. If one or more of the variances is out of tolerance, the element shown on the report and the out of tolerance variances are marked with an asterisk.

To access the WBS Threshold dialog box, use the WBS Threshold field on the WBS applet.