Using Format Files

The format file contains the order and selection of the fields you want to export. You must enter or specify a format file to use with your export. This is an important step if your export data needs to match outside data in a prescribed format. For example, you would use a format file if you plan to import the data into an external system or back into MPM.

Using Standard Format Files

MPM comes with a set of standard format files that describe the order and fields for the most frequently used exports. If you plan to export this data, make changes, and then import that data back into MPM, you must use the standard format file for the data.

Format file names have the extension .FMT. The standard format files are described below:

Selecting a Format File

To select a format file, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the Format File Name criteria box on the Export Conditioning window. The Criteria box will add two buttons, image\winm0305_wmf.gif Browse and image\winm0306_wmf.gif Field Mapping.

  2. Click the Field Mapping button. MPM displays the Format File Name dialog box where you can select a format file.