Once installed, the Data Warehouse Scheduler is the primary user interface with the MPM Data Warehouse. It allows you to set up a schedule for a project’s data synchronization with the Data Warehouse Controller.
From the Project Maintenance screen, click Schedule for Synchronization or
click Tools » Schedule for Synchronization
to access the scheduler.
You can set the schedule frequency to:
Run Immediate — The synchronization will run immediately after the controller picks up the job. See the MPM Installation Guide appSetting section in the topic Server: Configure the Data Warehouse Controller using the Controller.exe.Config File for information on the controller’s polling frequency.
Daily — Indicate the frequency of the daily run along with the start date, end date, and time.
Weekly — Specify the days of the week when the synchronization should be run along with the start date, end date, and time.
Monthly — Specify the day of the month when the synchronization should be run along with the start date, end date, and time.
The Synchronization Status column entry for a specific project in the Project Maintenance screen will be blank until a project is scheduled. Once the project is scheduled, the information in the column will be as follows:
Type: (None/Daily/Weekly/Monthly) Status: (Scheduled) Date Time: (MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS)
Before the process runs for the first time, the Date Time displays the date and time for the first scheduled run. After the process has run for the first time, it displays the date and time that the schedule last ran.
During the run, the status changes to Processing.
After the data is imported for the project the status changes to Success or Failure, depending on the import status, and Date Time displays the last successful run.
Introduction to Data Warehouse
Changing the Project Synchronization Retry Interval Settings