Report Viewer Sheets

Sheets are a great way to split up your data into logical, separate pieces.

Inserting Additional Sheets

To insert a new sheet, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Sheet » Insert Sheet. MPM displays the Report Viewer window with a new, empty sheet and a new tab labeled Sheet2.

  2. You can then add new data or replicate data from Sheet1 using Copy/Paste if desired.

  3. To rename the sheet, double-click the desired sheet tab. MPM displays the Sheet Name dialog box.

Deleting Sheets

To delete a sheet, complete the following step:

  1. Click the sheet's tab and click Sheet » Delete Sheet.

You will not be prompted for confirmation of the delete, and you cannot undo the deletion, so be sure you are deleting the correct sheet before selecting this option!

You cannot delete the last sheet in the Report Viewer; an error message will result.

Related Topics

Viewing and Editing Reports

Orientation to the Report Viewer Window

Editing Report Data

Formatting Cell Content Output

Setting the Report Viewer Output