Renaming Procedure

To rename resource codes and departments, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Project Maintenance window, select a project.

  2. Click Tools » Estimate Rename. MPM displays the Estimate Rename dialog box.

  3. Select the estimates you want the rename to affect: Baseline, ETC, or both.

  4. Select the WBS leg you want to affect by clicking the Browse button and selecting a WBS leg. To rename the entire project, leave this field blank.

  5. From the Current group box, select the resource code and resource department you want to rename. Leaving the Resource Code and Resource Department fields blank will rename all items. If you select <Empty> for the Resource Department, MPM will rename only those items with no resource department assigned to them.

Note that "blank" and <Empty> are different.

  1. If appropriate, enter the current overtime entry for the resource, or select an entry from the drop-down list. To rename estimates with no overtime factors assigned, select <Empty>. To rename all estimates with an overtime entry, leave the field blank.

  2. From the Rename To group box, select the new resource code name.

  3. From the Rename To group box, select the new department name. If you select <Empty>, the resource department will be cleared for all selected estimates.

  4. From the Rename To group box, enter a new overtime value for the resource if appropriate. If you want to maintain the same overtime factor, leave the field blank. If you want to clear all current overtime factors, select <Empty>.

  5. For each EOC listed in the Rename Conditioning grid, select the element you want to maintain constant during the rename. The Original Estimate Type option will keep constant the estimate type assigned to the resource at the time the resource was added to the Baseline and ETC estimates.

  6. To accept the settings and initiate the rename, choose OK.

When the process has completed or been terminated, MPM produces the Rename Error Report listing all errors encountered.

Related Topics

Renaming Resource Codes and Departments

Impact on Summary BOE