Recovering Project Data

It is possible for one or more of the data files that make up a project to become corrupted. When this happens, you need to run the recover utility. The recover utility attempts to reset the database indexes and correct any internal file errors.

Before You Begin

Before you begin the recovery process, be sure all users are logged out of MPM. This will prevent a user from accessing the files while you are running the recovery.

To recover project files, complete the following steps:

  1. Select the project that has the corrupted files.

  2. Click Tools » Recover Files. MPM displays the Recover Files dialog box.

  3. Select the files you want to recover. You can use the Shift+Click and Ctrl+Click combinations to select two or more files.

  4. To start the recovery process, click OK. MPM asks you to confirm the recovery operation.

  5. To continue with the recovery, click Yes. MPM executes the recovery, displaying an hour glass during the process.

If there are files that could not be recovered, MPM displays the following message:

Data records from the following files cannot be recovered: "xxxx", "yyyyy". Files may have to be recovered from backup.

If files are not recoverable, the entire project must be restored from a full backup.

Recovering System Files

The Tools » Recover Files command can recover project and global files, however it cannot recover the following system files:

To recover the system files, you must use the Recover System Files utility. The utility is independent of MPM and you run it from the Start » Run menu.

Related Topics

Recovering System Files

Recovering Global Sets