Outputting the Report

MPM offers several powerful options for outputting the report. You can send it to:

Sending the Report to a Printer

To print the report, complete the following steps:

  1. Enter the report conditioning options.

  2. Under Output Options, select Printer for the Output Format conditioning option.

  3. Click image\winm0127_wmf.gif Run.

Clicking File » Print will only print your report options.

  1. If you have left any required entries blank, MPM prompts you to enter them.

  2. MPM displays the setup options for the printer, such as page number range, number of copies, etc. Make any desired changes.

  3. If desired, you can click Setup to change other setup options for the printer, such as page orientation, print quality, etc.

  4. Click OK. MPM sends the report to the printer as requested.

Sending the Report to a Plotter or Other Output Device

To send the report to something other than a printer, complete the following steps:

  1. Click File » Print.

  2. Click Setup.

  3. Choose any other installed device listed.

  4. If necessary, click Network to scan the network for other devices on your network.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Enter the report conditioning options.

  7. Under Output Options, select Printer for the Output Format conditioning option.

  8. Click image\winm0127_wmf.gif Run.

  1. Click OK. MPM sends the report to the plotter or other output device as requested. MPM uses the drivers for the selected output device, and will prompt you for device-specific information.

Sending the Report to the Report Viewer

To send the report to the Report Viewer, complete the following steps:

  1. Enter the report conditioning options.

  2. Under Output Options, select Viewer for the Output Format conditioning option.

  3. Click image\winm0128_wmf.gif Run. MPM compiles the report and displays the data in the Report Viewer. In the Viewer, you can rearrange, change, or reformat the report as desired. See Viewing and Editing Reports for instructions on using the Viewer.

Sending the Report to a Saved File

To save the report to a file, complete the following steps:

  1. Enter the report conditioning options.

  2. Under Output Options, select one of these values for the Output Format conditioning option:

  3. UN/CEFACT (*.XML) — for a UN/CEFACT standard XML file (CPR1 through CPR4 only)

  4. Comma-Separated Values (*.CSV) — for a text file with values separated by commas

  5. Excel 95 (*.XLS) — for an Excel spreadsheet in Excel 95 format

  6. Excel 97 – 2000 (*.XLS) — for an Excel spreadsheet in Excel 97-2000 Format

  7. Tab-Separated Values (*.TXT) — for a text file with values separated by tabs

  8. HTML (*.HTM) — for an HTML file which you can view in an Internet browser program like Netscape or Internet Explorer

  1. Specify the saved file name and location. When you click in the Criteria box for the Output Filename, a image\winm0129_wmf.gif button is added to the box. Use this button to bring up the standard Windows browse window for finding the correct folder. This is the text file to be created by MPM.

  2. Click image\winm0130_wmf.gif Run.