Manpower Report Description

The Manpower icon provides two tabular, time-phased reports:

These reports show manpower loading against labor, with subtotals for each labor category and totals for the entire project.

The Equivalent Person calculation is based on the type of work calendar selected on the Project Maintenance window. This calculation will only be included on this report if EQP hours have been entered on the Fiscal Calendar.

Conditioning Window

Access the Manpower Report Conditioning Window by selecting Manpower on the Reports tab.

Report Types Available

Data Selection Options

You can limit the report to include only:

Data Inclusion Options

You can also choose to include in the report:

Data Calculation Options

You can choose to calculate cumulative values from Inception (Project Start date) or Report Start (the Report Start date you enter under Report Timeframe).

Data Formatting Options

You can display Grand Totals Only.

Report Source

This report uses the projectnameU.RRH and projectnameW.RRD databases.