Maintaining Actuals

Editing Actuals

When entering or editing actuals in the right window pane, you are in Edit Mode. In Edit Mode, the text in the current block in both window panes is blue. Choose the row for the appropriate unit of actuals, and the column for the period when those units were accumulated. When a cell is edited, the values you enter are displayed in full precision based on the units for that cell. Negative numbers are normally displayed in red, but when you are in Edit Mode, they are blue.

When you are finished editing the actuals, click to advance to the next Actuals field, or press the tab, up- or down-arrow key.

Deleting Actuals

You cannot delete or edit cell data on WBS rows. They are read-only reference.

If you delete one or more actuals cells, MPM prompts to save the changes.

Repricing Actuals

You can revise actuals in one process using the Reprice utility. Repricing is usually performed when there are major modifications to burden templates or rate tables. Using the utility can save a great deal of time over modifying each estimate separately. You can also use the Reprice utility to run 'what if' scenarios against copies of your project. You can easily shift resources and change direct or indirect rates to produce different pricing scenarios.

The fee calculation method selected for a project determines whether fee is generated when using the Reprice utility. Repricing actuals will not generate fee if the WBS option is selected; reprice calculates fee only if the Resource option for fee calculation is selected. For details, see Selecting a Fee Calculation Method.

You should run the Actuals Reprice if the Resource Code or Resource Department has changed for resource actuals, or the EOC code has changed for EOC actuals. For details, see Repricing Data.