Importing Actuals

You use the Actuals window to import actual costs from outside MPM, typically from your accounting system. This feature eliminates the necessity of manually entering actual cost data. Your import file should contain monthly values; MPM then calculates cumulative totals such as Total Burdened, Total Dollars, etc. Actuals may be imported by Resource or EOC. Actuals by Resource may optionally be autoburdened.

Access the Actual Import Conditioning window by selecting Actuals on the Imports tab.

The Actuals import has two additional options on the Import Conditioning window:

Import Actuals with Autoburdening

To add burdening automatically to your actuals while importing, click the image\winm0141_wmf.gif check mark box in the Criteria column. This option calculates burden values for Actuals imported by Resource. Using the Prime Dollars you supply in the import file, MPM calculates Overhead, G&A, COM, and Fee using the Burden Template assigned to each Resource. If the Burden Template contains more than one burden of the same type (for example, OH1, and OH2), they are both used and a total Overhead is accumulated.

This option defaults to no autoburden. If you are not autoburdening, your import file must contain any applicable burden values for Overhead, G&A, COM, and Fee. If you do select autoburdening, these values are automatically calculated and are ignored if entered in your import file.

Duplicate Values Processing

When importing your actuals, there is a possibility that MPM may encounter an actual value that already exists in your project under the specified WBS/Resource/fiscal period. The Duplicate Value option tells MPM how to handle duplicate actual values. Select one of the following options:

This option defaults to Update File With New Value(s).

Import Processing of Actuals

When you import monthly Actual values, the following values are calculated automatically:

These values cannot be imported. If you choose to add autoburdening, Overhead, G&A, COM, and Fee are also calculated. If you are not autoburdening, you must supply these values in the import file.

The WBS ID to which you are adding Actuals must contain a Charge Number, or an error will result and the imported Actuals will be ignored. See Creating Work Breakdown Structures for details.

The Charge Number cannot be imported with this import, but can be imported using the WBS Descriptive import. See Importing Descriptive WBS Data for details.

Related Topics

Actuals Import File