When entering Actuals by EOC, enter the number of hours, units, and/or dollars for the current EOC into the appropriate fiscal month. You must first select the EOC Code from the drop-down list box. Only those fields that differ from the Resource Actuals tab are described below.
Unique EOC Actuals — Each block of EOC actuals data is uniquely identified by the EOC Code. For example, if you are reporting actuals hours data for EOC Code LABOR for the months of August, September, and October 2008 for WBS 100-10, you cannot report multiple sets of hours data for LABOR for Aug-Oct. 2008 for WBS 100-10.
EOC Code — This required field contains the code of the EOC for which actuals are being entered. Select the code from a drop-down list box of EOC codes.
EOC Description — On an EOC row, this field contains the EOC description as defined for the EOC code in the Elements of Cost window.