If you selected Milestone Weights or Milestone Weights with % Complete for the EVM, you can enter custom weights for each milestone manually. Milestone weights must represent 100% of the work required to complete a task, but they do not have to equal 100.
MPM provides two additional windows that provide summary information about the WBS element and the weighted values.
The Timephased BCWS (Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled) window shows the
weighted costs by month. The display is not impacted by the period selected
for the Gantt chart. To display the window, click
Show Timephased BCWS.
The WBS Total window shows summary information for the selected WBS
element. To display the window, click
Show Total Window.
To enter weights manually, complete the following steps:
Select the Weight field for a milestone.
Enter a value.
Save the entry by doing one of the following:
Click on another WBS element in the window
Click Save
Click File » Save
Press Ctrl+S
You may be prompted to confirm the save.
To undo the entry before saving, press Esc.