Creating a Project

To create a project in MPM, you enter information using the Project Maintenance window.

The required information includes:

For full functionality of MPM, you must also complete the following fields:

All other fields are optional and do not impact the functionality of the product.

The fields are described in the topics listed below. The fields are listed in the order they are displayed in the window. To facilitate documenting the fields, the fields have been grouped into topics.


Fields Described

Basic Project Information Fields

Project ID
Program Name
Project Description
Contract Start
Contract Complete
Global ID

Pricing Options Fields

Baseline Rate Table
ETC Rate Table
Actuals Rate Table
Rate Table Override
Burden Template Override

Calendar Fields


Fee Calculation Fields

Fee Calculation

Company and Manager Information Fields

Company Name
Program Manager
Program Manager Phone Number
Proposal Manager
Proposal Manager Phone Number

Contract Information Fields

Proposal No.
Contract No.
Internal ID
Program Type
Contract Type

Cross References Fields

Xref-1 through Xref-10

Related Topics

Introduction to Creating a Project

Entering the Basic Project Information