Copying and Pasting Estimates

You can copy and paste resource estimates from one WBS element to another WBS element using Edit » Copy and Edit » Paste. If you have two different projects in two Integrated Planning windows open, you can copy and paste estimates between the windows. Copying estimates is a fast way to enter new estimates when estimates are similar. You can also copy individual cells. For information on copying cells see Copying and Pasting Cells.

To copy and paste an estimate, complete the following steps:

  1. Select a single estimate by clicking on the row number in the left most column, or select multiple estimates by holding down the left mouse button and dragging across the row numbers.

If you select multiple estimates, they must be contained within the same WBS element. If you select multiple estimates across more than one WBS element, MPM will assume you want to copy the selected cells. For more information on copying cells, see Copying and Pasting Cells.

  1. Place the estimate(s) on the clipboard by doing one of the following:

  2. Click image\winm0084_wmf.gif Copy

  3. Click Edit » Copy Estimate(s)

  4. Press Ctrl+C

  1. Select the WBS element where you want to paste the estimate(s) and do one of the following:

  2. Click image\winm0085_wmf.gif Paste

  3. Click Edit » Paste Estimate(s)

  4. Press Ctrl+V

MPM may display a dialog box asking you to confirm the paste. Otherwise, the estimates are pasted immediately into the grid.

  1. To confirm the paste, choose Yes.

MPM may display a dialog box asking if you want to save the changes in the ETC as well. Otherwise, the estimates are pasted immediately into the grid.

  1. To save the changes to the ETC, choose Yes.

Cutting and Pasting

If you want to remove estimates from one WBS element and place them in another WBS element, you can use the Cut and Paste commands. The procedure is the same as copying and pasting, except you use the Cut command instead of the Copy command.