Comparing Detail Data

The Compare Detail and Rollup report lets you compare detail data with EOC rollup and Summary rollup data. The report helps you verify that all estimate and actuals data for a project are in sync.

When you run the report, MPM compares BCWS , ACWP , and ETC values stored in the detail records with the values stored in the EOC or Summary rollup records.

The procedure for running the report is described briefly below. For a more complete discussion of using report conditioning, see Orientation to the Report Conditioning Windows.

To run the Compare Detail and Rollup report, complete the following steps:

  1. Select the Report tab in the Menu Manager window.

  2. Select the Compare Detail and Rollup report. MPM displays the Report Conditioning dialog box.

  3. Select a project.

  4. Select the report type, either Element of Cost Rollup or Summary Rollup.

  5. Select the output format.

  6. Select the output file name if appropriate.

  7. To run the report, click run_button.jpgRun.

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