Changing the Actuals Display

Filtering Actuals

When you opened the actuals in the selected project, you selected the WBS elements (by leg, manager, and/or element type) on which to enter and edit actuals.

To change the WBS leg(s) selected, complete the following steps:

  1. Click File » Open to access the Actuals Open Dialog.

  2. Select different or additional WBS leg(s).

Showing/Hiding Actuals

These options show resource if using the Resource tab, or EOC if using the EOC tab.

Row numbers do not reorder when you change the actuals being shown. You can use this to know at a glance when rows are not being displayed. You can also check the Tools menu; the show/hide options that are set are disabled.

Displaying/Hiding Actuals Fields

You can display or hide any or all of the columns in the left pane of the Actuals window using Format » Column Hide. Use the Shift+Ctrl keys to select and deselect the desired columns. The highlighted fields are hidden; the non-highlighted fields are displayed. See Column Hide for more information.