Batch Import Processing

Many MPM users perform the same set of imports every month as part of their monthly status processing. To set up a batch import process which performs several imports, create a Batch Import file.

Creating a Batch Import File

There are two ways to create a Batch Import File:

Option 1:

  1. On the Menu Manager with the Imports tab selected, double-click the icon for the first import to be performed.

  2. Inside the Import Conditioning window, click in the left window pane and click Edit » Add Import. MPM displays a list of all available imports.

  3. Double-click the next import to be added.

Option 2:

  1. On the Menu Manager with the Imports tab selected, use the Shift + Ctrl keys to select more than one type of import.

  2. Double-click on the last icon selected.

The icons in the left window pane show you the import(s) you have added to this Batch Import file. When you click on an icon in the left pane, the right pane shows the Import Conditioning for that import. If you click the WBS Descriptive icon, the WBS Descriptive Import Conditioning would be displayed in the right pane. Enter the desired import conditions.

To accept the selections and run the import, do one of the following:

The Processing Result Report prints as it does after every import.

Saving Import Conditioning Data

To save the Import Conditioning data, do one of the following:

MPM prompts for the location and file name to be saved. The default location will be a directory called IMPORTS located under the DELTEKMPM directory. Saved imports are given the name import.MFI. Once you have saved an import, MPM adds a Saved Imports tab to the Menu Manager, where all saved imports can be accessed later.

Accessing Saved Conditioning

When you save your Batch Import file conditioning, MPM adds a tab to the Menu Manager next to Imports called Saved Conditioning, which shows an icon for every saved Batch Import file you have created. To access any of the saved Batch Import files, double-click the icon.

MPM displays the Import Conditioning window with icons for all Batch Import Files. Change any conditioning as desired, and run the import when ready.

Deleting a Batch Import

To delete a batch import from the Saved Imports tab, complete the following steps:

  1. To delete the batch import,do one of the following:

  2. Right click on the import, then select Delete Item.

  3. Select the import, then choose Edit » Delete Item.

  4. Delete the corresponding .MFI file from the Imports subdirectory in the DELTEKMPM directory.

  1. In Menu Manager, click View » Refresh.

MPM removes the batch import icon from the Saved Imports tab. If the batch import is the last import icon on the tab, MPM also removes the Saved Imports tab.