Customer Export
Use the Customer Export report to download customer data to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file or other file format.
Column | Description |
Customer Number | This column displays the customer identifier. |
Customer Name | This column displays the name of the customer. |
Type | This column displays the type of customer (for example, Commercial, Government, or Non-Profit). |
Status | This column displays the status of your relationship with the customer: Active, Dormant, or Inactive. |
Relationship | This column displays your relationship with the customer (for example, Consultant, Prospective, or Existing). |
Website | This column displays the customer's Web site address. |
Customer Create User | This column displays the user ID of the person who created the customer record in the Customer Info Center. |
Customer Create Date | This column displays the date on which the customer record was created. |
Customer Modify User | This column displays the user ID of the person who most recently modified the customer record. |
Customer Modify Date | This column displays the date on which the customer record was most recently modified. |
Primary Address Description | This column displays the description of the customer's primary address (for example, Company Headquarters, Main Office, or Northeast Office). |
Primary Address 1 - 4 |
Primary Address 1 displays the customer's name.
Primary Address 2, Primary Address 3, and Primary Address 4 display the customer's primary address information (street name and number, suite number, postal box number, and so on). |
Primary Address City | This column displays the city from the customer's primary address. |
Primary Address State | This column displays the two-character abbreviation for the state from the customer's primary address. |
Primary Address Zip | This column displays the ZIP code from the customer's primary address. |
Primary Address Country | This column displays the country from the customer's primary address. |
Primary Address Phone | This column displays the phone number at the customer's primary address. |
Primary Address Fax | This column displays the fax number at the customer's primary address. |
Primary Address Create User | This column displays the user ID of the person who created the primary address in the customer record. |
Primary Address Create Date | This column displays the date on which the primary address was created in the customer record. |
Primary Address Modify User | This column displays the user ID of the person who most recently modified the primary address. |
Primary Address Modify Date | This column displays the date on which the primary address was most recently modified. |
Memo | This column displays the text entered in the Notes field on the General tab of the Customer Info Center. |