Modify a Saved Search

If your security role gives you the required access, you can change a saved search.

To modify a saved search, complete the following steps:

  1. From the GovWin Capture Management Navigation menu, click Reporting and click the type of report.
  2. Select the report for which you want to modify a set of saved options.
  3. Click the Selection column and click .
  4. Click on the Lookup and click the folder in which the search is located.
  5. Select the saved search and make changes to it.
  6. Click Organize.
  7. Click next to Folder Name on the Organize Options dialog box, and then click the folder in which the search is located.
  8. In Save Name, select the search that you want to modify.
  9. Click Save. GovWin Capture Management displays a dialog box that asks you to confirm that you want to replace the existing search.
  10. Click Yes. If the saved search is the basis of any favorite reports, GovWin Capture Management asks if you want to update the searches for those favorites.
  11. Select one of the following actions:
    • Click Yes if you want GovWin Capture Management to update the searches for the favorites.
    • Click No if you do not want the favorites updated.