Use the RFP Detail tab to enter important Request for Proposal information associated with your opportunities.
Field | Description |
RFI Date
Enter the actual date on which the federal government releases the RFI for the opportunity.
Draft RFP Due Date
Enter the date on which you must complete the first draft of your opportunity proposal.
Expected RFP Release Date
Enter the date on which you expect the federal government to release the RFP for the opportunity.
Bidders Conference
Enter the date on which the federal government plans to hold a meeting to provide information about the RFI/RFP.
Subcontractor Kickoff
Enter the date on which your capture team will meet to discuss subcontractor needs and resources for the opportunity.
Pink Team, Red Team, White Hat, Purple Team, Gold Team, Blue Team, Black Team, and Green Team Review Dates
For each team, enter the date on which you expect the team to meet and review your opportunity proposal.
Expected Proposal Due Date
Enter the date on which you must submit the final version of your opportunity proposal to the appropriate federal government agency.
BAFO (Best and Final Offer)
Enter the date on which you will submit to the federal government your "best and final offer" (counter offer) for accepting the opportunity contract.
Actual Award Date
Enter the date on which the federal government agency plans to announce who has been awarded the contract.
Industry Date
Enter the date on which the Industry Day provided by the customer to learn more about the opportunity.
Actual RFP Release Date
Enter the date on which the client released the RFP.
Actual Proposal Due Date
Enter the date which the client gives as the proposal due date.
Actual Submission Date
Enter the date on which a proposal was submitted.
Expected Award Date
Enter the date on which you expect the client to award the contract.