Modify an SF255 Template Set to Create a New Template Set
GovWin Capture Management is installed with a set of default merge templates for SF255 proposals. You cannot edit the default templates directly, but you can save them with a new name, export the re-named template set, or pages from the set, to Microsoft Word, and edit them in Word.
When the renaming procedure is complete, you must update the SF255 Template Editor dialog box with the modified templates. This update procedure makes them available for merging your SF255 proposal.
To make a modified merge template set, complete the following steps:
, Template Editor.
- On the Template Editor dialog box, click Save As.
- Enter a Name and Description for the new template set and click OK.
- Select the template page to modify and click Export.
- On the File Download dialog box, click Save.
- On the Save As dialog box, enter a filename with no spaces.
Open the template in Microsoft Word and modify it.
You can replace merge codes during this modification procedure.
- Save the template as an .rtf file and then close it.
- On the Template Editor dialog box, select the template page that is best suited to this modified template.
- Click Update.
- Select the modified template and click Open.
- Click Close.
- Before you use the template in a merge procedure, click Default 255 Template field. to review your 255 Preferences. The template that you use in the merge must be the one identified in the
Postrequisites: After you make a modified merge template set, you can change fonts or layout, insert graphics placeholders, and add non-standard merge codes.