Associated and Non-Associated Grids

GovWin Capture Management entry grids on Info Center tabs are associated or non-associated.

Associated Grids

Associated grids in GovWin Capture Management are grids on the various tabs in an Info Center that allow you to associate one Info Center record with another Info Center record.

For example, the Contracts grid on the Contracts tab in the Employee Info Center is an associated grid. In the Contracts grid, you associate contracts with an employee.

Other examples of associated grids are the Employees and Vendor/Partners grids on the Team tab in the Contract Info Center. In these grids, you associate employees and vendor/partners with a contract.

Non-Associated Grids

Non-associated grids are grids on the various tabs in an Info Center in which you add information for an Info Center record, but that information is not based on another Info Center record. For example, the Employees Info Center has a Resumes grid on the Resumes tab. You add resumes for an employee, but the resumes are not records that are stored in a separate "Resumes" Info Center. Other examples of non-associated girds are the Descriptions and Awards grids on the Background tab in the Contract Info Center.

Associated and Non-Associated Grid Tables in an Adobe InDesign Merge Template

When you create a GovWin Capture Management merge template with Adobe InDesign, you can select associated or non-associated tables in the Table field on the Merge Code dialog box.

Examples of associated grid tables in the Table field are: Associated Contracts (for Employee Info Center merge templates) and Associated Customers (for Contract Info Center merge templates).

Examples of non-associated grid tables in the Table field are: Resume (for Employee Info Center merge templates) and Awards (for Contract Info Center merge templates).