Contracts - Employees Table Formats (EMProjectAssoc)

Follow GovWin Capture Management specifications for preparing a file containing contract-employee associations.

Field Name Data Type Length Notes
WBS1 varchar 30 Associated contract's contract number; must exist in PR; primary key
WBS2 varchar 7 Associated phase's phase number; must exist in PR; primary key
WBS3 varchar 7 Associated task's task number; must exist in PR; primary key
Employee varchar 20 Employee's employee number; must exist in EM; primary key
EndDate datetime User-entered date; the last day when the employee was designated to work on a contract.

The EndDate must be greater than or equal to the StartDate.

Role varchar 10 Employee's contract role; must exist in CFGEmployeeRole; primary key (Code/Description)
RoleDescription text 16 Role's description
StartDate datetime Date when an employee is associated with a contract, phase, or task. This column defaults to today's date if the association is via the Contracts grid on the Contracts tab of the Employee Info Center or the Employees grid of the Team tab in the Contract Info Center.

A user with update access to these grids can override this value.

The StartDate must be less than or equal to the EndDate.

TeamStatus varchar 10 Variable indicating the status of an employee being added to a contract team; valid options are Active (approved) or Proposed (awaiting approval)