Contracts Table Formats (PR)

Follow GovWin Capture Management specifications for preparing a file containing contract data.

Field Name Data Type Length Notes
WBS1 varchar 30 Contract number; primary key
WBS2 varchar 7 Reference field for the contract phase; this column is populated by GovWin Capture Management after the WBS1 column in this table is filled in; primary key; must have at least one blank space
WBS3 varchar 7 Reference field for the contract task; this column is populated by GovWin Capture Management after the WBS1 column in this table is filled in; primary key; must have at least one blank space
Name varchar 40 Contract name; required field
SubLevel varchar 1 Variable indicating whether or not the contract has phases and tasks; default is N (No)
BD Manager varchar 20 BD Manager's employee number; must exist in EM
Contract Mgr varchar 20 Contract manager's employee number; must exist in EM
Executive Lead varchar 20 Contract, phase, or task Executive Lead's employee number; must exist in EM
ClientID varchar 32 Customer number; must exist in CL (ClientID/Client)
CLAddress varchar 20 Customer address code; must exist in CLAddress
Status varchar 1 Contract's status; valid options are A (Active), I (Inactive), or D (Dormant); required field; must exist in CFGProjectStatus (Code/Description)
Team varchar 14 Contract's team; must exist in Team
StartDate datetime 8 Expected start date for the contract
EndDate datetime 8 Expected end date for the contract
Memo text 16 Memo field for comments on the contract
LongName varchar 255 Contract's long name
Address1 varchar 50 First line of the contract's address
Address2 varchar 50 Second line of the contract's address
Address3 varchar 50 Third line of the contract's address
City varchar 30 City of the contract's address
State varchar 10 State of the contract's address.

The state must exist in CFGStates. If you import both state and country, that combination must already be a valid combination in GovWin Capture Management. If you import a state but not a country, the state must be a valid state for the United States.

Zip varchar 10 Zip code of the contract's address
County varchar 50 County of the contract's address
Country varchar 40 Country of the contract's address
FederalInd varchar 1 Variable indicating whether or not this is a federal contract; default is N (No)
ContractType varchar 10 Contract type; must exist in CFGProjectType (Code/Description)
Responsibility varchar 10 Team's contract responsibility; must exist in CFGPRResponsibility (Code/Description)
Referable varchar 1 Variable indicating whether or not the contract can be used as a work reference in proposals; default is N (No)
EstCompletionDate datetime 8 Contract's estimated completion date
ActCompletionDate datetime 8 Contract's actual completion date
ContractDate datetime 8 Contract award date
BidDate datetime 8 Date when the team submitted its bid on the contract
ComplDateComment varchar 20 User-entered comment regarding the completion date
FirmCost decimal 9 Team's total cost for completing the contract
FirmCostComment varchar 20 User-entered comment regarding the Firm Cost
TotalContractCost decimal 9 Total contract cost
TotalCostComment varchar 20 User-entered comment regarding the Contract Cost
OpportunityID varchar 32 Contract's Opportunity record number; must exist in Opportunity (OpportunityID/Opportunity)
CustomerConfidential varchar 1 Variable indicating whether the customer's name will be used in proposals or replaced with an alias; default is N (No), the customer's name is not confidential
CustomerAlias varchar 100 Customer alias to use in proposals if the customer is confidential
AvailableForCRM varchar 1 Variable indicating whether or not the record is available to CRM users; default is Y (Yes)
Phone varchar 24 Contract location telephone number
Fax varchar 24 Contract location facsimile transmission telephone number