Edit Rate Dialog Box

To edit it a tax rate, select the check box next to it, or click the check box in the top left corner of the table to select all rows.

Click Edit Rate button to edit the percent fields.


To display the Edit Rate dialog box, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Expense menu, click Settings > Tax Schedules.
  2. On the Rates tab of the Tax Schedules screen, click Edit Rate.


Dialog Box Fields

Field Description
Effective Date

This non-editable field displays the date on which the rate became effective for the selected row.

Expense Type

This non-editable field displays the expense type that is linked to the tax schedule rate for the selected row.


This non-editable field displays the location for the tax schedule rate for the selected row.

Note: This field will display only if you select the Location Required check box on the Basic Information tab.
Tolerance %

Update the tolerance % allowed. The system uses this percent to determine whether the overwritten tax amount on the expense report wizard screens falls with a tolerable amount.

Note: Whether the tax amount can be overwritten on the Expense Report Wizard screens is determined by the Modify Tax Amounts check box on the Expense Classes screen.

Rate 1

Field Description

Update the percent you wish to use for your tax rate 1.

Recovery %

Enter the percent you wish to use as your rate 1 recovery percent.

Rate 2

Field Description

Enter the percent you wish to use for your tax rate 2. The default value is taken from the Rate 2% field on the Basic Information tab.

Note: This field will display only if you select Two for the Tier field on the Basic Information tab.
Field Description
Recovery %

Update the percent you wish to use for your tax rate 2.

This field will display only if you select Two for the Tier field on the Basic Information tab.

Calculation Method

Select the calculation method, either Standard or Additive, that you want to use for the tax schedule rate.

If the method is Standard, Deltek Expense multiplies the expense amount by the first-tier tax rate, and then in a separate calculation, multiplies the expense amount by the second-tier tax rate.

For example, let us assume the expense amount is $100, the first tier tax is 10%, and the second tier tax is 5%, the Standard tax calculation would be as follows:

  • Tax 1 = $100.00 x 10% = $10.00
  • Tax 2 = $100.00 x 5% = $5.00

    If the method is Additive, the second-tier tax is multiplied by the result of the first-tier tax calculation, so using the example above, the Additive tax calculation would be as follows:

  • Tax 1 = $100.00 x 10% = $10.00
  • Tax 2 = ($100.00 + $10.00) x 5% = $5.50
  • Total Tax amount =  $15.50

    The Additive Method is often used when calculating taxes in countries such as Canada, where provincial sales tax is calculated on the combined total of an expense amount plus the general sales tax amount.

This column will only display if the tax schedule is set up as a Two Tier schedule.


Click the OK button to save your changes. The dialog will then close and the rate table will be refreshed.