Manage/Approve Timesheets

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Location Approve TS Screen

To display the <insert screen/dialog box>, complete the following steps:

Click Time & Expense > Time > Timesheets > Approve/Manage Timesheets .



When you open Approve Timesheet, the application by default displays all timesheets for the current year, and all groups for which you as supervisor are responsible, and all timesheets with a status of Signed (but not yet Approved). To narrow the list of employees down to certain groups, use the Select Employee Groups subtask.

Field Description
Schedule This field displays the pay period frequency, for example, Weekly or Semi-Monthly. You can query for additional available parameters to narrow the results.
Year Enter, or use Query to look up, the year in which the relevant pay period occurred.
Period Enter, or use Query to look up, the relevant pay period. After you enter the month, an autocomplete drop-down list displays a range of pay periods for that month from which you can select the desired pay period.
Function This field displays the functional your functional role. If you have more than one functional role, you can use Query to look up others.
Group If All is selected, timesheets for all groups in your organization display. If you choose Selected, use the Select Employee Groups subtask to select the group.
Last Name If you need to review a timesheet for a single employee, enter that employee's last name. of the employee whose timesheet you need to review for approval.


Field Description
Timesheet Status options The default status is Signed, which limits the display to signed timesheets awaiting approval. You can also select from Open, Approved, Rejected, and Processed.
Note: You cannot approve or reject a timesheet that has an Open, Missing, or Rejected status.


Field Description
Timesheet Status Totals After you specify your parameters and click . the updated totals for each status category display here.


  • Approve --When you approve an employee timesheet, the next record in the queue displays, and the number of available records is reduced by one.
  • Reject-- When you reject a timesheet, you must enter a rejection explanation. The rejection explanation field displays automatically, outlined in red.
  • Sign -- If you have rights and want to modify the timesheet, select the line to display the timesheet, or click Sign if you only need to sign it.
  • Correct -
    Note: Depending on the timesheet's current status, one or more of these buttons may be disabled.

Select Employee Groups Subtask

Field Description
Click this subtask to display a list of available employee groups. If the group you are searching for does not appear, use Query to look it up.

Missing Timesheets Subtask

Field Description
Use this subtask to display a list of currently missing timesheets. You can use Query to filter your search for specific records. In the table, select the left check box for each timesheet you want to create and click Create Timesheets.

The timesheets you created populate the Missing Timesheets section.

In the counts section, the Open timesheets will increase by the number of timesheets you have created, while the Missing timesheets will decrease by the same amount.

In the Timesheet Lines table, you can assign the employee's charge lines and sign the timesheet.

The timesheet then appears in your Signed queue awaiting approval.


The Timesheet and Timesheet Lines are identical to those of an individual employee timesheet, except for the Approve and Reject buttons.

For more information on filling out timesheets, see Manage Timesheets.

Timesheet Lines

This table displays the charge codes and hours charged for specific projects.

For more information on filling out timesheets, see Manage Timesheets.