TE Logging Global Settings

Use this area to configure global settings.

Screen Fields

Field Description

Use this screen to enable or disable logging and to set the default logging level. The default logging level is effective for all log categories that are not explicitly defined in the Log Categories screens.

Log Enabled

Select this checkbox to enable the default logging level.

Default Log Level

Select the logging level you wish to use as the default logging level. The available options are:

  • Error
  • Warning
  • Info
  • Debug

    The messages that are logged depend on the log level you select. For example, if you select "Info," the system will log messages with a level of "Info," "Warning," and "Error." If you select "Warning," the system will log messages with a level of "Warning" and "Error."


Select the Apply pushbutton to apply the changes you have made to your selection.


Changes made in this screen are retained until the next Weblogic Server restart. Changes may result in performance degradation or other unexpected alterations in system characteristics. Please contact the Technical Support staff for information on making the changes permanent by updating the system configuration files.