Edit Categories Dialog Box

Use the Edit Category dialog box to modify categories.


To display the Edit Category dialog box, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Expense menu, click Settings > Expense Report Types.
  2. On the Categories tab of the Expense Report Types screen, click Edit Category.


Dialog Box Fields

Field Description

This field is non-editable.


Enter a label for this category. The label should be as short as possible and properly capitalized because it will be used on expense reports and as column headings for reports and inquires. When the layout style of the expense report type is Date Columns, this label will be used as the row heading on the expense report. When the layout style is Standard, this label will be used as a description of the category. This is a required field.

Short Label

Enter a short label for this category. This label will also be used on expense reports and as column headings for reports and inquires. It is also used on the expense report when the layout style is Category Columns. This is a required field.


Select the position in which you would like this category to be placed on the expense report.

Note: You cannot skip a number when assigning the categories. They must be in numerical order.