Workflow Notifications Tab of the Expense Classes Screen

The Workflow Notifications tab displays the notifications and tasks that will take place when an event occurs.

Expense Report Notifications

Field Description
ER Interim Signature

Select the Notification check box if you want this expense class to receive a notification when an interim signature occurs.

Note: If you want the employee to be notified when someone other than that employee signs the expense report, select the Notification check box.
ER Approved

Select the Notification check box if you want this expense class to receive a notification when an approval occurs.

ER Revised

Select the Notification check box if you want this expense class to receive a notification when a revision has been made to the expense report.

ER Rejected

Select the Notification check box if you want this expense class to receive a notification when an expense report is rejected.

ER Voided

Select the Notification check box if you want this expense class to receive a notification when an expense report has been voided.

ER Paid

Select the Notification check box if you want this expense class to receive a notification when an expense report has been paid.

ER Charge Approved

Select the Notification check box if you want this expense class to receive a notification when individual charge allocations are approved.

ER Charge Rejected

Select the Notification check box if you want this expense class to receive a notification when individual charge allocations are rejected.

ER Attachment Attached

Select the Notification check box if you want this expense class to receive a notification when required items are attached.

ER Attachment Recorded

Select the Notification check box if you want this expense class to receive a notification when attachments are recorded.

ER Attachment Approved

Select the Notification check box if you want this expense class to receive a notification when attachments are approved.

ER Attachment Rejected

Select the Notification check box if you want this expense class to receive a notification when attachments are rejected.

Expense Imported

Select the Notification check box if you want this expense class to receive a notification when expenses have been imported.

Expense Authorization/Advance Notifications

Field Description
EA Interim Signature

Select the Notification check box if you want this expense class to receive a notification when an interim signature occurs.

Note: If you want the employee to be notified when someone other than that employee signs the expense report, select the Notification check box.
EA Approved

Select the Notification check box if you want this expense class to receive a notification when an approval occurs.

EA Revised

Select the Notification check box if you want this expense class to receive a notification when a revision has been made to the expense report.

EA Rejected

Select the Notification check box if you want this expense class to receive a notification when an expense authorization is rejected.

EA Voided

Select the Notification check box if you want this expense class to receive a notification when an expense authorization has been voided.

EA Paid

Select the Notification check box if you want this expense class to receive a notification when an expense authorization has been paid.

EA Charge Approved

Select the Notification check box if you want this expense class to receive a notification when individual charge allocations are approved.

EA Charge Rejected

Select the Notification check box if you want this expense class to receive a notification when individual charge allocations are rejected.

EA Attachment Attached

Select the Notification check box if you want this expense class to receive a notification when required items are attached.

EA Attachment Recorded

Select the Notification check box if you want this expense class to receive a notification when attachments are recorded.

EA Attachment Approved

Select the Notification check box if you want this expense class to receive a notification when attachments are approved.

ER Attachment Rejected

Select the Notification check box if you want this expense class to receive a notification when attachments are rejected.

Advance Approved

Select the Notification check box if you want this expense class to receive a notification when a cash advance approval occurs on an expense authorization. The Task check box is disabled for this function because no further action is required once a cash advance approval occurs.

Advance Rejected

Select the Notification check box if you want this expense class to receive a notification when a cash advance has been rejected on an expense authorization. Select the Task check box if you want this expense class to perform a task when the cash advance has been rejected on an expense authorization.

Advance Paid

Select the Notification check box if you want this expense class to receive a notification when a cash advance has been paid to the employee. The Task check box is disabled for this function because no further action is required when a cash advance has been paid.